Try Before You Buy Terms
Thinking of purchasing your first robot mower or upgrading? Experience the full capabilities and benefits of a robot mower before purchasing with a 7-day rental. Ensure you find the right fit for your lawn care and lifestyle and discover new features and upgrades.
Our Try Before You Buy services are only available to residents in the Sydney, Blue Mountains and Southern Highlands regions. You may contact our team for more information or book a demonstration.
Once you've found the perfect robot mower for your property, simply return the demo model and order your new robot mower. We will credit the amount from your trial cost on your purchase!
Book online by selecting a pick-up day on any weekday. Return in 7 days. Late returns are charged at $50 per day.
The pick-up and return location is in Minto Heights, NSW 2566. Address and time to be provided upon booking.